My Auntie Jan

Created by Annie 4 years ago


Uncle David was brother to my dad, Barry.  My parents (Mary and Barry Bryson) also had 5 children so present exchange was pretty rare in those days as money was scarce. My earliest recollection of Auntie Jan was seeing a Christmas present under the tree when I must have been about 7 years old.I remember she had beautiful large handwriting using an ink pen. When I unwrapped the gift, saying I was excited was an understatement. Inside was a pair of white, lacy knickers! I was so thrilled! I can remember the feeling to this day. As I was the third daughter and had hand me down navy blue, school uniform pants with holes in them, i had never seen something so beautiful and new! Reminisces of a 4th child!

The larger than life couple from darkest Devon were a big hit in London or Wales whenever they came up to see us at family gatherings, weddings etc. Everyone remembered them and commented on how personable they were. When mum and dad moved to Devon, they saw more of them as well as lovely Uncle Peter. I remember occasions when they would all meet up, dressed in Indian Clothes, reminisce of India, and share curries. Bliss!

Auntie Jan always remembered the funny things in daughter Hannah was born in emergency on the landing at home, delivered by my husband and sister. Auntie Jan always remembered and when she wrote birthday cards, she would address the envelopes and cards as 'Hannah Mary Theresa Landing Clark'.What a scream!

I came to visit Uncle David and Auntie Jan each time I popped over from NZ. I normally had one of the children in tow and they always made a big fuss of them. When Gregory came to visit, aged 7, he was treated to Uncle Davids steam trains, the secret bedroom, a story read by Auntie Jan, a beautiful book ('The Queen's Knickers') to take home and a real fossil. What an impression she made. They never forgot her. No one ever did! A beautiful human being with a heart so large. You both touched all our hearts and we will always be better for it. Much love to all her beautiful children xx
